This is the first page from a story by Frank Bird Linderman titled "Swede Sam's Luck." The story, which begins in Helena, Montana, tells the story of a "Swede from America" and his return to Sweden. The story was told to Linderman by Dr. O.M.…
Looking across Swiftcurrent Lake towards Many Glacier Hotel. A water tower, mountains and burned areas visible in the background. Glacier National Park, Montana.
Poster created by Archives Technician, Photo and Computer Graphic Specialist Mark Fritch, from page 7 of the Alarm of Danger pamphlet and Putting Out The Campfire, painting.
This poem appears in a notebook kept by Angus McDonald, a Scottish immigrant who moved to the Flathead in 1847 as an employee of the Hudson Bay Company. The poem tells the story of an Iroquois steersman named Joseph Monigue known for his ability to…