Browse Exhibits (21 total)
Tales of the 1910 Fire

In the summer of 1910, a massive wildfire known as the Big Burn engulfed North Eastern Idaho and Western Montana. It extended all the way from Wallace, Idaho, to just southwest of Missoula, Montana. More than 3 million acres of timber were destroyed, and 79 fire fighters were killed. This exhibit features a first-hand account of the fires by a forest ranger, as well as text and images from Northern Montana Forestry Association Records, Mss 034.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Glacier National Park Centennial 1910-2010

On May 11, 1910, Glacier National Park was established in Montana. Glacier is the country’s 10th national park, and it preserves 1 million acres of mountains, lakes, and forest. This exhibit celebrates the park’s centennial with a selection of photographs, maps, pamphlets and tourist brochures, as well as short home movies of the park by Walter H. McLeod.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Homesteading: The Dream and The Realities

The Homestead Act of 1862 significantly affected the American West. People flocked from the East Coast and Midwest to the Dakotas and the West Coast, but no place was more homesteaded in the United States than the area that later became Montana. This exhibit features a selection of photographs, maps, and pamphlets related to homesteading in Montana.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Inextricable Fusion: The Poetry of Patricia Goedicke

Patricia Goedicke published 13 books of poetry from 1968-2009 and taught Creative Writing at the University of Montana from 1981-2003. Goedicke's works often weave together a broad range of images and themes. For example, in her review of As Earth Begins to End, Robin Becker writes, "[Goedicke's] genius, in this book, becomes her language for linking individual sorrow to the sorrows of the environment, of globalization, of science and politics." This exhibit draws from Patricia Goedicke's literary manuscripts at The University of Montana, Missoula, some of which have been digitized and are available via ScholarWorks. It is intended to illustrate Goedicke's approach to poetry as teacher, writer, and critic.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Orchards in Western Montana

During the first half of the 20th century, orchards were an important part of Western Montana’s economy, particularly in the Bitterroot and Flathead Valleys. This exhibit features a selection of photographs, brochures and pamphlets related to orchards in the region.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
The History of the Student Union

In the fall of 1935, the first official student union building at the University of Montana-Missoula opened. Twenty years later in 1955, a larger student union called the Lodge opened. In 1968, the University Center that we know today replaced the Lodge. This exhibit illustrates the history of UM’s three student union buildings and features a selection of photographs, pamphlets, and architectural drawings.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Teddy to Monte: Mascots of The University of Montana

Long before Monte, Teddy was the first official mascot of the University of Montana-Missoula. Over time, a total of nine live bear mascots and two costumed mascots have represented UM. This exhibit tells the story of those bears through photographs, news stories and university publications.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Trading Posts and Mercantiles in Montana

Who founded the first trading post in 1907? Were there many mercantiles or general stores in Missoula and the surrounding area? This exhibit features images and advertisements that illustrate the history of retail in Montana and highlight traders, trading posts, and general stores around the region.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Student Army Training Corps (SATC ) Scrapbook

Section A, Student Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.), at the State University in Missoula, Montana, was established on October 1, 1918, and ended on December 18, 1918. The Student Army Training Corps was designed to give young men at college across the United States an opportunity to get an education and at the same time serve their country by military training. This exhibit features a digitized SATC scrapbook from a State University of Montana student (now the University of Montana) that provides visual documentation of the university campus, Corps housing, officers, drills, and classes held outdoors during the influenza epidemic.
The scrapbook featured in this exhibit is held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Here, There and Back Again: Transportation In and Around Missoula

Did early Missoulians prefer to bike, walk, or bus? Who provided carriage and wagon repair? This exhibit features photographs, advertisements and pamphlets that illustrate the various methods of getting to and around Missoula.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
World War I Propaganda

The most effective wartime propaganda strategically harnesses the fears and expectations of an intended audience and make them come alive through carefully chosen images and text. This exhibit features some of the propaganda from World War I that was created by Belgium, Britain, France, Germany and the United States.
All materials featured in this exhibit are from the World War I Pamphlet Collection, Pam 01 held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
The Home Economics Department

In the summer of 1913, the first home economics course was offered at the University of Montana-Missoula. The department offered courses in subjects like household budgeting, textiles, nutrition and interior design until 1989, when it was eliminated. This exhibit features photographs, recruitment pamphlets, and other memorabilia that illustrate the history of the department.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Immigrant Montana

Montana's immigrant communities have profoundly shaped the history of the state. This exhibit features materials reflecting the experience of immigrants in Montana and provides an overview of immigration during territorial years and Montana's early years as a state.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
A History of Campus Planning

In 1893, when the University of Montana-Missoula was established, it owned no land or buildings. Today the campus has grown to over 120 acres. This exhibit illustrates the history of campus planning and expansion through photographs, maps, plans, and articles.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
A History of Greek Life

The first Greek social organizations at the University of Montana-Missoula were founded over 100 years ago. Today the University of Montana-Missoula is home to six nationally recognized fraternities and four nationally recognized sororities. This exhibit features materials from the The Sentinel yearbook, the Montana Kaimin newspaper, UM student scrapbooks, and records that illustrate the history of Greek life at UM.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
A Matter of Perspective: Women Writers and Montana 1890-1930

Montana is home to a number of prominent women authors, although their work is often overshadowed by that of their male peers. The exhibit tells the story of several of Montana’s women writers, using text from their published manuscripts.
The books featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
R.H. McKay: Western Montana Photographer

Rollin H. McKay, a prominent Missoula commercial photographer from about 1911 through the 1940s, created an impressive catalog of images of Missoula and western Montana’s places, landscapes, people and lifestyles. Not only was he a prolific photographer, McKay was able to shoot action scenes (such as “A Bucker”) using very large, awkward equipment, especially by today’s standards. This exhibit features some of McKay’s most iconic images.
All materials featured in this exhibit are from the R. H. McKay Photograph Collection, Mss 249 held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
A History of the High School Interscholastic Meet

In the spring of 1904, the first state high school Interscholastic Meet was held on the University of Montana-Missoula campus. The meet brought high school students from across Montana together for athletic and academic competition. This exhibit illustrates the history of the meet and features photographs, programs, ribbons and other memorabilia.The meet programs and official announcements have been digitized and may be accessed via ScholarWorks.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Finding Children in the Archives

Finding children in most archives can be a challenge. This exhibit feature photos, letters, drawings, and books that offer a quick view of the fragmented pieces of children’s lives that remain amongst other family and business papers in the archives.
All materials featured in this exhibit are held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Alaxchíiahush / Many Achievements of the Apsáalooke

Alaxchíiahush / Many Achievements (ca. 1848-1932), or Plenty Coups, was a chief of the Ashalaho / Many Lodges (Mountain Crows), which is a clan of the Apsáalooke / Children of a Long Beaked Bird. To become chief, Alaxchíiahush accomplished many war deeds. This exhibit features photographs and text that contextualize the life and deeds of Alaxchíiahush within the context of Apsáalooke history and culture.
The images featured in this exhibit are from the Frank B. Linderman Memorial Collection, Mss 007 held by Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Email Archives and Special Collections if you have comments or questions about this exhibit.
Tap 'er Light: Mike Mansfield's Gentle Leadership and Political Civility

Mike Mansfield was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1942 and served five terms as representative of Montana’s 1st District. In 1952, he was elected to the U.S. Senate, and in 1961 became Senate Majority Leader. He held that position until he retired from the Senate in 1977--longer than any other Majority Leader in the history of the U.S. Senate.
This exhibit explores two aspects of Mansfield's legislative career: his opposition to the Vietnam War (1955-1975) and his work to galvanize support for and passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Both events illustrate his respect for the office of the U.S. president, and his willingness to cultivate bi-partisan relationships.
Most of the material featured in this exhibit is from the Mike Mansfield Papers, Mss 065 held by Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Special thanks to the U.S. Senate Historical Office for granting permission to use several photos from their collection in this exhibit.