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Archives and Special Collections - Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library

Early Life

Alaxchíiahush standing facing the camera with a blanket wrapped around his torso and a pipe in his right hand.

Alaxchíiahush at Fort Custer, 1890

When Alaxchíiahush was a boy, his grandfather dreamed that Alaxchíiahush would become a chief. To become eligible to be a Bacheeitche / Good Man (Chief), a man had to complete four Ashkápe / War Deeds:

- Daakse / Touch a Living Enemy

- To Take an Enemy’s Weapon

- Bapáshkuo / Capture a Picketed Horse

- To be an Iipchiiakee / Pipe Owner. Iipchiiakee had to lead a war party in which no allied warriors died.

Upon accomplishing those deeds, a man was considered eligible to be a chief, but members of the tribe could still choose whether or not to follow him. Alaxchíiahush accomplished the Ashkápe four different times, and gained a following due to his successful war parties and his commitment to fair leadership.