
First drawing of campus done by engineering instructor Frederick C. Scheuch.


James H. Bonner served as a member of the Campus Development Committee.


Architects Cass Gilbert and George H. Carsley hired to create a campus plan.


State Bond Bill gave the university $1.4 million dollars to buy land and construct buildings.


University expansion projects funded by the Works Projects Administration.


George F. Simmons became the seventh president of the university.


IErnest O. Melby became the eighth president of the university.


James A. McCain became president and began post-war planning on campus.


Architect John Paul Jones was hired to create a new campus plan.


Carl McFarland became president and purchased the Prescott Property.. in 1955.


In the 1960s the campus began planning for a massive increase in enrollment.


A new campus plan was presented to accomodate the growth of the student body.


A Draft Growth Framework plan was created.


University acquired property along the 600 block of Fifth and Sixth Streets and Eddy Avenue.


A new campus plan was presented.